Countdown to Black Friday Deals 2019! Thanks Giving Day

Black Friday Deals 2019

It seems that it was yesterday when we were celebrating Black Friday 2018 and we have already started the countdown to the highly anticipated Black Friday Deals 2019. As every year, the date is the same worldwide and is none other than the day after the celebration of the popular Thanksgiving Day of the United States and Black Friday Deals 2019.
Black Friday Deals 2019
Black Friday Deals 2019
Although there is no fixed day, it is always the day after the fourth Thursday of November, which this year translates into November 29. Given the proximity to Christmas, it becomes a unique opportunity to advance Christmas shopping, enjoying numerous discounts. And, every year there are more shops that add to this commercial phenomenon.

What is Black Friday?

When talking about major commercial events anywhere in the world there are several examples that come to mind almost automatically. The 11 of 11, for example, or the Summer Sale, or Cyber ​​Monday, for fans of the latest technologies. However, all these campaigns, although each year they receive greater media coverage and their monitoring by the buyer community is only growing, they are far from reaching the undisputed summit that Black Friday Deals 2019 exclusively occupies.

You've probably enjoyed your millions of offers from time to time; In fact, I would bet that you are already counting the remaining days for the next edition. However, are you sure how Black Friday came about? Do you know where it was first held? And what was the origin of such a curious name? Next, we will try to summarize in a few lines everything you need to know about the most important low price party in the world today.
Black Friday Deals 2019
Black Friday Deals 2019
We start with its name, which is probably what attracts attention in the first place. The expression Black Friday (in Spanish, “Black Friday”) comes from the collapse of the value of gold that occurred in the United States on September 24, 1869, which gave rise to a subsequent financial crisis in the historical context of Reconstruction, after the War of North American Secession. Other historical events, generally related to some kind of economic panic, have also been named Black Friday when it occurs on Friday. To this day, the expression is still used generically to refer to any malignant event that falls on that date.

Black Friday, as we know it today, comes from the first Thanksgiving day commercial campaign promoted in New York by Macy's stores, in 1924, when Fred Lazarus Junior (the creator of the modern sales concept) convinced President Roosevelt to advance the holiday one week and enjoy more days of sale to the public as a prelude to Christmas promotions.

The words Black Friday are used for the first time linked to this event in 1961 to describe the circulatory chaos that occurred during these days. However, another explanation suggests that on Black Friday the numbers of the stores went from “reds” (losses) to “blacks” (benefits), consolidating the meaning that we continue to give to the present.

There is a false belief that Black Friday has a sinister connection with the slave trade, but it is a hoax that, although shared by several celebrities a few years ago, has no foundation and is already completely denied.

In the United States and other Anglo-Saxon countries, Black Friday has been celebrated since the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century, sponsored by such powerful commercial firms as Toys “R” Us, Amazon, Wallmart or Apple to take advantage of the commercial pull of Action Thanks and warm up engines, as we mentioned earlier, for the even more powerful Christmas campaign. In its 2018 edition, Black Friday exceeded all possible sales expectations by reaching the figure of 6,200 million dollars, representing an increase of almost 24% compared to the 2017 records.

Black Friday: When is it?

Since Black Friday is a global event it is celebrated on the same day worldwide. The 2019 edition is set for Friday, November 29 at 0:00 a.m. The campaign lasts, officially, 24 hours, although many online platforms extend this period throughout the weekend, until linking with the Cyber ​​Monday that comes next.

The most gifted on Black Friday

If there is an undisputed king among the best-selling products of Black Friday, that is, in its own right, the world of technology. Since technological devices tend to be, for several years, the most demanded gifts for Christmas, Black Friday is a launching platform for many novelties and a golden opportunity to get the latest models at much more prices How affordable.

And we don't talk only about tablets, computers, smartphones, and smartwatches. Year after year, technological products and appliances related to home care and new forms of entertainment, from effective wireless vacuum cleaners to Alexa-type loudspeakers, with voice recognition and multifunctional, are breaking through.

Related to this area, the world of video games is also experiencing one of its peak moments in terms of sales with Black Friday. Being also one of the gifts that with more insistence are requested from the Magi, during the hours that remain active the offers of these campaign sales (especially through the online market) soar as at any other time of the year.

Clothing, jewelry, books, and decorative items are another essential level of the foundations of Black Friday. They are among the favorite products of those over 45, offered by both large stores and small businesses. It is here where you can more easily find discounts that even exceed 50%.

Tips for shopping on Black Friday Deals 2019

Seek specialized help And no: we do not mean psychological support to face such advertising bombardment. We talk about online applications that help you find the best Black Friday Deals 2019 and that keep you informed about the evolution of prices throughout the Black Friday Deals 2019 day. The main platforms, such as Amazon, have their own tool, but there are dozens of them on the Internet, quick to install and easy to use.

Get ahead at the beginning:

As with other similar events, also during the days before Black Friday Deals 2019, you can find numerous offers and discounts to attract customers. You must be attentive and not wait for the official start of the campaign, where many of these opportunities may fly in the first minutes.

Be clear about your preferences:

To say that Black Friday Deals 2019 puts you on the tray millions of different offers is not a way of speaking: there are literally millions of products that millions of companies want to sell you, competing to present you with the best discounts and the most advantageous shipping conditions. Given this, have at all times fixed what are your main interests to avoid wasting time and money with products that perhaps were not what you were looking for. Focus not only on areas but on specific lines of the article and carry out a pre-selection before going through the box. Never hurts to buy twice if the first thing you've seen is really what you like

Make a budget:

Our golden rule for any type of sales: watch out for money. Do not look at the discounts but the money you can invest in them. To give you an idea, during the Black Friday of 2018 the USA people spent an average of 100+ Dollars per person. Will it be more or less than what you will spend on Black Friday Deals 2019?

Bet soul train awards 2019

The Soul Train Music Awards voting body includes active professionals in the fields of radio programming and music retail and management and recording artists with records that have charted in designated music trade publications in the year prior to proceedings. Past hosts for the show include such R&B luminaries as Luther Vandross, Dionne Warwick, Patti LaBelle, Will Smith, Vanessa Williams, Taraji P. Henson, and Gladys Knight.[1]

The Soul Train Music Award trophy has featured an African ceremonial mask since its 1987 introduction. A new trophy was designed by Tristan Eaton of Thunderdog Studios in 2009 and is manufactured by New York firm Society Awards. From 1995 to 2005 a separate award show named Soul Train Lady of Soul Awards was held, honoring female artists.[

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